Thursday, June 16, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Thursday {week 3}

{This week's images are inspired by my hubby, who for some reason is obsessed with owning one of those t-shirts that says, "That's how I roll." And, well, let's be honest-everyone has one of these awkward moments happen!}

The Awkward:
  • I cannot believe I have to admit this, but I spent an entire weekend visiting one of my closest friends, and didn't realize until I got home that I had completly screwed up and didn't remember that it had been her birthday!! I gushed and gooed over her adorable baby girl, brought the baby a gift, brought wine and cake to thank her Mother-in-Law for having me over, and somehow managed to completely mess up by not only not bringing the Birthday gal a gift, but didn't even know to wish her a happy birthday! Unfortunetly birthdays are not something I'm good at remembering, and I try so hard to stay on top of them because to me that's a day that should be celebrated and celebrated to Liz, and ALL my friends since I know I'm a dunce about getting cards and calls out to you, I love you and wish you the happiest of birthdays!
  • ok, really? There's nothing that can top that for me this week...that's about as awkward and embarrassing as it can get for me. I'd much rather have found myself grocery shopping naked than to have had this happen!

The Awesome:
  • Getting to catch up with an incredible friend that you haven't seen in months...
  • Getting to meet that incredible friend's amazing new baby girl...
  • having the excuse of getting to link up with your incredible friend to be able to enjoy the first official roadtrip with your brand new car...
  • ...and that new car happens to be a convertible, and the weather happened to be perfect... and you sound sooooo much better singing in your car when the wind is blowing and the music is blaring. {ok, so maybe anyone stuck at a stoplight near me may not have thought this was so awesome....}
Don't forget to check out Heather and Erica's blog posts, too. Their Awkwards & Awesomes are always a treat...and I just adore their other posts, too...

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh Missie! I totally relate to your bday faux pas. It's happened to me before and it is the worst feeling. Unfortunately, like you, I am terrible with everybody's bday but my own...what does that say about me? ;) Although, I have to say, being found naked at the grocery store would still top my list of *awkward*. :)
