Just a few tidbits from the studio...
I've got a fresh new flash webpage!! I'll be able to feature slideshows & more images, and I think you'll find it a lot more user-friendly, too. It even has a calendar so you can see when I'm available for sessions...I love that...and I think you'll like my new song, too :-) This was my little pet-project for myself during this past week; and now that it's block leave I thought it was the perfect time to get it up and running before everyone got back from their vacations. Because of some crazy internet-domain name-stuff (that's beyond me) I've got my new site posted, but it'll take 24-48 hours before my old site will recognize the new one....so unfortunetly that means for the time being my site is temporarily unavailable. Errrgggg....but it'll be worth it...
You can still access your client galleries - just go to
www.missiejurick.smugmug.com and you'll be good to go until the new site is up and running.
And on the personal side...sooooo happy to write that my hubby is now 100% DONE with his chemo treatments!! This past week was our last time having to go through those...whew! We celebrated with a huge cake for all the nurses and other patients on his last day. Some amazing people at Balboa-Cora, Thomas & all the other nurses just plain rock, and meeting some of the other cancer fighters just is a life changing experience. So for now we're celebrating, but also holding our breaths until the end of July when we'll have his next CT scan...