Friday, February 10, 2012

Operation:Love Reunited Policy Updates {OpLove}

As many of you are aware, for the past three years I have been honored to be a part of Operation:Love Reunited {OpLove}. OpLove is a nation-wide network of professional photographers who offer free sessions and albums to deployed soldiers and their immediate family members. Recently OpLove has updated the guidelines, and I feel it is important to share these new policies and regulations with you.

My personal policy for OpLove session availability per month is still in effect. Beginning in April my space for these free sessions will be limited to ONE family per month. I am currently booked for OpLove sessions until May. As a reminder for those families wishing to capture those special moments together before facing their next deployment, I do offer all Active Duty Military and their spouses a special session rate, and I do have session availabilities for each month.

The following is from the e-mail I received this morning. If you are interested in taking advantage of Operation:Love Reunited please read these guidelines carefully to be sure you qualify. You can also go to . Please don't hesitate to contact either OpLove or myself if you have any questions.

"1) We have re-defined areas to be covered as deployments. These new guidelines were hopefully posted in your area’s FB page. Either deployment orders or a letter of deployment from the command is REQUIRED! Here are the areas covered:
Combat zones are designated by an Executive Order from the President as areas in which the U.S. Armed Forces are engaging or have engaged in combat. There are currently three such combat zones (including the airspace above each):
a) Arabian Peninsula Areas - the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, the part of the Arabian Sea north of 10° North latitude and west of 68° East longitude, the Gulf of Aden, and the countries of Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
b) Kosovo area - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Albania, the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea north of the 39th Parallel.
c) Afghanistan
d) In addition, we will also allow three parts of the former Yugoslavia to be treated as if it were a combat zone and therefore covered: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Macedonia...."

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